connection & pure expression 
in art & wellbeing

“Instead of humanizing nature and animals, I believe in naturalizing ourselves. Realizing we are, because nature is. 

My vision forms the ground in my work, where art and health commune.”

connect and relate

How do we connect and relate to nature, our natural state, others, our place on earth? 

How are these pillars interconnected? 

And how are these questions always - and in today’s society so loudly and unquestionably - of vital importance? As a human being, beyond all our roles on both a personal and a professional level?

In both my Soul Movement and breathwork sessions, we embark on a journey into being, shifting from the analytical mind to the non-verbal body, which speaks a universal language.

To learn more about Soul Movement and breathwork, possibilities and the different types of sessions, please find the link below.

Soul Movement


Awake Origins


Little Lions South Africa

Nyenrode Business University

Philippi Village South Africa

Fabuleux Destin

NM Kamp Vught

Wildlife Forensic Academy South Africa

Mood Factory

Awake Origins • Medtalks • Little Lions South Africa • Nyenrode Business University • Philippi Village South Africa • Fabuleux Destin • NM Kamp Vught • Wildlife Forensic Academy South Africa • Mood Factory •

what people are saying

“A remarkable discovery is Soul Movement, brilliantly conceived by Valéry van Gorp. As a dancer and singer, Valéry has combined free movement, breathing and contemplation into an energetic experience of movement and stillness. It's hard to describe. You just have to try it yourself."

Princess Laurentien of the Netherlands
calling Soul Movement one of her favourite addresses in Nouveau Magazine

  • Reviews

    “From the word go, I was very sceptical about it. In my mind, I thought it was just a mere form of exercise. However, it sort of changed to something else. I gained an understanding of how best to deal and solve challenges in a harmonious and non-threatening manner.”

    Quote participant

  • Reviews

    "A slice of heaven."

    Quote participant

  • Reviews

    "Soul Movement is an experience and path to really reach the depths of your soul. To experience, feel and heal what’s within and express it outside. It’s a space to be, to be held and to create."

    Quote participant

  • “What a great experience! Truly unique and enriching. The free movement from the soul listens as a personal and vulnerable challenge, and it was with this feeling that I came to the beautiful venue. Valéry slowly built up with well-chosen good music. With breathing as the basis, the unstoppable thinking stopped and my movements took over. Valéry's sensitive, professional attitude and strong dancing background took me on a tour from thinking to Soul Movement. Thank you Valéry. You will see me again.”

    Quote participant

  • "I’m so grateful for the powerful container Valéry created. I felt held and I was able to release so much through movement. Valéry was also really kind and present throughout and she gently invited me to return to my breath when things got difficult. I love it and strongly recommend it to others."

    Quote participant

  • "Amazing sessions. Highly recommended. Valéry is very-very good at what she does. I felt refreshed, peaceful and very satisfied at the end. It can work up a sweat, but you also get to know your own breath, body, movements and what you might have forgotten or repressed. It can be very emotional and there is no wrong way to move in session. Love it and will be back!"

    Quote paticipant